Areas of Practice
- Someone has said that PR is the art of doing something good and getting caught at it.
You can’t see the wind, but you observe its effects when it blows. Like the wind, PR is a discipline that can be hard to describe but you know it when you read it, see it, or become part of it.
The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) says it “is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”At its heart PR is about persuasion and influence and that means an experienced practitioner is compelled to listen and pay attention to what people do, say, or think inside and outside an organization as they tell their stories.
Our public relations services include:
Media relations
Writing and content development
Investor relations
Social media
Crisis communications/ Issues management
Media training
Message development
Reputation management
Employee relations
Community relations
– What people do or say or think about you or your organization starts with the right words communicated the right way.
Your company’s products or services may generate revenue and create jobs, but the pervasive nature of media means your employees, stakeholders, and customers need to know your organization’s stands on current affairs and emerging issues based on your values and guiding principles.
Protecting your company’s reputation during its best and worst days is where we work by applying our expertise in:
Corporate reputation strategy and planning
C-Suite communications and content development
Executive leadership coaching and development
Message development and workshops
Crisis planning, management, and communications
Public affairs
Corporate social responsibility
Employee engagement
Brand ambassador programs
Media relations and media coverage
Internal and external thought leadership/content programs
Change management communications (M&A, leadership change, product recalls)
Speaking engagements and speechwriting
Client testimonials
– It is about guarding your brand by preparing the battlefield of public opinion long before the battle.
The 24/7 appetite for content and the in-your-hand immediacy of news creates a world where your brand can be riding high Friday and tank on Monday.
When crises occur, your organization reacts. How your organization reacts can impact your brand one way or another. A crisis is more than a natural disaster, a data breach, product recall, or scandal. A crisis is anything that threatens you and your organization’s reputation.
The best response to a crisis is preparation. Sound crisis communication starts with a crisis readiness audit that leads to a crisis communication plan with issue-specific messages that inform, educate, and influence.
While not ideal, many times organizations call us for immediate counsel, talking points, or to be their spokesperson and we are ready to do that too.
Preparation is the first line of defense for your brand and includes these capabilities:
Crisis preparedness
Message development
Scenario planning
Spokesperson training
Internal communications
Crisis monitoring
Rapid response
Crisis recovery
- To be effective communicators, lifelong learning is a requirement, not an option. Socrates said, “education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”
As a consequence of the work that JG Communication Group does, our clients recognize the need for continuous learning and development.
We train, coach, and support leaders who share our lifelong learning philosophy.
Here are some of the things we do for leaders of high-performing organizations:
Leadership assessment and development
Executive presence and coaching
Presentation Improvement
Media and Message Training
Communication - when done well - drives action, answers questions, quells anxiety, and quenches the desire for the real story by providing facts in context.
We do not have a one-size-fits-all approach. We analyze each organization’s needs and then create a customized strategic plan or initiative to deliver results.
Click the + by each segment to find details about each area of practice.
What Clients Say
"Especially adept at matching plans to organizational culture."
"A genuine public relations professional"
"He is the real deal, no nonsense, results oriented"
"He is always open to trying new and creative approaches to achieve the best results for his clients"
"Experienced, knowledgeable, diligent and thoughtful"
"Especially adept at matching plans to organizational culture." // "A genuine public relations professional" // "He is the real deal, no nonsense, results oriented" // "He is always open to trying new and creative approaches to achieve the best results for his clients" // "Experienced, knowledgeable, diligent and thoughtful" //
Each team is unique because each client is unique.
We bring in the right mix of experts and professionals based on our client’s needs.
That could be pollsters, social media influencers, former journalists and producers, sculptors, graphic designers, call centers, financial writers, songwriters, musicians, videographers, digital analysts, and many more.
We’ve even booked a comedian for a national sales conference in Hawaii.
You can be assured when we engage a resource to implement the plans and initiatives we recommend, that they share our values and have the right credentials, capabilities, and character.